Our Weekend Word

Hopefully You Have a Passport

Coming off our last email we received some great feedback on what might make The Weekend Word better.  This one might not hit any of those buttons, but it is a topic that effects many of our readers.

The Price is Wrong

It’s commonplace to hear on any business channel or CNBC that the market has priced something in.  You’ve all heard this a lot lately with market analysts talking about interest rates rising and the upcoming election. So how does this market palm reading work?

Samsung taking Note

Samsung’s 2016 started off booming with first quarter profits up 12% from the previous year and had its best Q2 in over two years with operating profits up 17.4%.   Unfortunately for the tech giant and the world’s leading cell phone manufacture the introduction of the Note 7 saw future profits go up in flames.

Should we be Worried About Deutsche Bank?

Two weeks ago we mentioned some banking shenanigans going on in Europe, specifically with Deutsche Bank. At the risk of getting our readers all worked up and leaving them hanging we now take a closer look.

Fresh Food Fast from The Amazon?

In recent history online shopping giant Amazon has widened its business model to include music/video streaming, cloud computing, creating its own snack food, clothing labels and consumer electronics but, it hasn’t stopped there.  In an article recently published by The Wall Street Journal, it appears that Amazon is looking to create their own grocery stores.

Inside the Weekend Word

We’ve been reading article after article this week and there’s so much going on right now I really can’t put my finger on one thing to dig into, so I’ll just tell you what’s coming up on our radar as noteworthy.


  1. There’s the election, which has completely taken over the world of electronic media.


Debating the Markets

All of us have a different take on the upcoming election.  This more than any in recent memory is as contentious as ever, and just continues to be a circus.  Some of us might be Republicans, some of us might be Democrats, some of us might just want this to go away and pray that the world will still be here in 2017.  Now since we all do have different takes and opinions on this subject we want to approach the election without bias, no matter what side of the line we fall on.

The Blitz

With the NFL season just underway the blitzing has begun, but it isn’t just on the gridiron that we get blitzed.  Seniors have been under attack for a few weeks now and are likely getting overwhelmed with the amount of television, newspaper and mail advertising targeting them for a different type of season.

IRA Contributions and Work Plans

I don’t know about you, but saving extra for retirement is one of my favorite things in the world to do!

Ok, ok, maybe not, but getting tax deductions really is, so for those really looking to stash away the cash we’re going to talk about IRA’s and how much you can contribute and deduct when you’re a work plan participant.

Innovation or Arrogance?

Every year since 2007 Apple has released a new version of their flagship product and this year is no different.  Earlier this week Apple announced the new iPhone to much acclaim and just as much if not more criticism.   To many people’s chagrin, this year’s iPhone doesn’t have a headphone jack; instead Apple is going to use their proprietary Lighting Connector and this isn’t the first time Apple has forced its consumers to evolve.